


Adjacent and complimentary to my psychotherapy practice are a number of supportive modalities. Below are just a few of my supplementary approaches to clinical, therapeutic support.

Nervous System Coaching


Lots of clients find me because they want to regulate their nervous systems but hate the idea of leaving the therapist they deeply love. You don't have to! I love working with people who are already getting support from a therapist in their area and need tangible help building the skills to regulate their nervous systems. We will work together with your primary therapist so that our work together supercharges your current process.

Reiki Energy Healing


Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive technique for reducing pain, releasing emotional blockages and prompting deep relaxation. It is a form of energy healing that helps you get unstuck and restore the natural flow of energies throughout the body.

Energy healing is based on the relationship between a person’s emotional or medical/physical condition and that person’s subtle energy field, which permeates and extends outward from the physical body. Energy healing practitioners seek to restore harmony and balance to an individual's energy field pattern to facilitate healing.

Plant Medicine

Plant Medicine

Also referred to as “altered-state therapy”, plant medicine includes but is not restricted to working with naturally occurring substances to tap into your inner healing intelligence. This work is not for everyone but I offer a safe container to work with various substances.

Prnayama Breathwork


Breathwork, also known as pranayama is an ancient practice absolutely chock-full of yummy scientific body benefits. Whether in group work or with individuals, breathwork can reduce stress, improve your felt sense and sense of wellness, and even help your immune system. If you have been considering altered-consciousness healing but aren’t interested in psychedelics, breathwork could be a wonderful option!

Ready to work with me?