First things first:

I want to let you know that whatever is happening right now is only temporary.

You are capable of healing, growth, and happiness.

If you have the desire, the tools, and the support; you can embark upon an absolutely amazing journey into self discovery and fulfillment. That is where I come in. I think of therapy as a safe place to grow, beyond the traditional idea of ‘the patient on the couch.’ My natural style as a therapist is to balance warm support and empathy, with gentle, honest words that will challenge you, and will enable us to work together as you learn new tools to help you achieve your goals.


Session and Relationship Guidelines:

  • We are equals in this relationship. I’m often going to ask your permission—for most every interaction or activity.

  • I accept all forms of communication. I am not going to restrict us to verbal communication. We may also use energy, art, play, music and more, including more forms of AAC and Facilitated Communication.

  • I insist that my clients have complete freedom of movement. You might want to sit! But I also embrace movement, fidgeting, and laying on the ground. Be comfortable.

  • Relationship-centered approaches to therapy are central to my practice. I respect individual client's development and skills.

  • Clients have autonomy to end our sessions at any time.

  • I am always going to respect your body autonomy. Stop always means stop and no always means no.

  • Eye contact isn’t required or even requested.

The above guidelines were adapted from guidelines originally penned by friend and colleague Amy Bryant of Parenting Beyond Punishment. Amy is an expert in supporting families with/parents of wonderfully “wild children”. I refer clients to her all the time and encourage you to speak with her if the energy of “wild” children relates to any of the work you or your family needs to do.


Working with me or any other professional is a choice.

Finding someone you can trust is absolutely essential to any relationship, and therapy is no different. No matter your age, you deserve someone you can truly be yourself with, and feel comfortable sharing the best and scariest parts of you. We will work together to build trust and learn about what’s going on in your life. Using the right tools, what we can achieve together is truly remarkable.

Lots of clients come to me having seen therapists before who just didn’t click, or felt judge-y and preachy. It's so important to me that we both show up as our most authentic selves, so expect to see me in a messy bun and yoga pants! I'm a huge nerd and can talk your ear off about trashy romance novels, dogs, TikTok, and a good cuppa tea.

Most people meet weekly or bi-weekly either in person or virtually. I blend talk therapy with embodied practices to help clients gain clarity and understanding while regulating their nervous system.


Remote and soon-to-be In Person again too!

Nestled on 17 acres just outside the city, I’m building out The Soul Science Cottage. It will be a place to spend a day or a weekend to do deep, dedicated one on one therapy custom-designed to suit your goals. You'll experience many modalities of treatment including somatic trauma resolution, art therapy, music therapy, breath-work, reiki, and plant medicine. If you feel stuck in traditional therapy or feel like you've hit a plateau, please ask me for updates on this project. I hope to be offering private and small group retreats in early 2022.

A Poem by María Sabina

Cure yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.

Heal yourself with mint, with neem and eucalyptus. Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar, and take it looking at the stars.

Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it.

Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.

Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember: you are the medicine.